General information
Improving students’ comprehension and expression in foreign language through art. Giving Language support for Music and foreign language teachers
Giving information from language assistant’s country in foreign language. Giving support in CLIC subjects. Helping students with special needs. Preparing materials
What it is expected to obtain
Fostering artistic activities while improving the 4 language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in foreign languages. Developing a Integrative approach in teaching/learning languages at school. Reinforcing plurilinguism at school. Helping in development of Euromania project (intercommunication through Romanic languages).
Art and Education assistant is a member of the staff with the same rights and duties and will take part in everyday school life: curriculum, pedagogical matters, celebrations, workshops, visits and so on.
He/she will support mainly art classes in small groups as well with teachers’ team. Art activities and foreign language will become powerful communicative resources in order to improve students’ cultural background, linguistic skills and to know realities from foreign countries.