General information
Electronic Ceramics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia is offering Erasmus+ internship on the topic of functional novel materials.
Aerosol deposition (AD) is an exciting method for joining ceramics, metals, and/or polymers to form composites of otherwise incompatible materials as part of a simple one-step technological process. It is based on mixing colloid particles in a supporting gas that is accelerated to several 100 m·s−1, until the aerosol jet hits the substrate material (for example, metal, glass, polymer or ceramic). The particles collide with the substrate and undergo a room-temperature impact-consolidation process. During the process, the particles are subjected to fracturing and plastic deformation, resulting in the strong adhesion of the particles to the substrate. In the next steps, the films grow. Finally, very dense films with thicknesses of 1–100 µm are formed, all at room temperature. With this method, different materials can be combined into functional layered structures.