Junior Clinical Researcher Star Programme

Medical Sciences
9 Jul, 2018 to 9 Jul, 2019
9 Feb, 2018

General information

12 months

At ECCRT we realize that this situation limits the inflow of young, intelligent and motivated people. In trying to find a solution to unveil this pool of talent, we are happy to introduce the Junior Clinical Researcher STAR Programme. This programme has been developed for you, to increase your chances of entering the amazing area of clinical research. Like all ECCRT STAR Programmes, this one is composed of a number of individual courses, to be followed within one year but at a time that is convenient to you. This STAR programme is different from the others since it also includes practical traineeships throughout the year. The latter will give you the possibility to acquire practical experience in the field and thus a kick-start of a brand new career in clinical research!

The courses included in the Junior Clinical Researcher STAR programme are selected to provide the essential competencies needed for you to start your career as a clinical research professional. 
Since these courses are organised 4 times per year, you can either follow them consecutively (in 1 week) or compose your own schedule over the 4 occasions.

In order for you to gain practical experience, we have included 3 traineeship episodes in this STAR Programme, running over 1 full year.
The 3 traineeship periods are each time in a different organisation: Starting in a hospital environment, then in a pharmaceutical company and ending with a Clinical Research Organisation (CRO). This allows the participant to get the complete overview of the clinical trial life cycle from the point of view of all stakeholders involved.

Years of Experience required: 


clinical research  

Additional Information

This programme includes 6 courses (classroom in Brussels and eLearning) and 1 year traineeship in three organizations related to Clinical Research. Regarding the traineeships, they don't necessarily need to take place in Belgium. They can be in any country as long as we find organizations for the traineeships.
Level of Studies: 