General information
Liveloula is offering intern positions in a fully functioning permaculture inspired homestead and retreat center.
An internship at Liveloula is like a 3 month or longer applied Permaculture Course.
On the homestead, there is a daily routine that you will become a part of.
You will help with irrigation, taking care of the gardens and animals, small maintanance duties, etc...
but to get you to know all the different aspects of Natural Living we will integrate
- natural building projects, a full overview of tools and techniques and hands on projects
- planning, installing and tending vegetable gardens
- design and creation of food forests
- soil and water management , soil improvements
- energy management, small scale off grid solutions
- garden pattern design, landscaping
- making preserves for winter and home pharmacy
To cover every aspect and to get a full understanding of the rhythm of the farm one would actually have to stay for at least a year. To offer you a basic understanding of our approach towards natural living, which is our goal in hosting you, we feel a minimum stay of 3 months is a good start.
We can focus on those topics you are most interested in or that are in line with your education.
What will you learn and what will you do:
As mentioned above we will try to cover all aspects of natural living with you.
The bigger part of the experience will be hands on and practical.
We always take our time explaining the reasons and techniques of what we do.
We are open to receive feedback, ideas and inspiration from your behalf.
Questions will be welcomed at all times.
For more in depth theory exploration there are some great books in our library.
Our place offers many opportunities for learning natural living skills. We try to give you the space and time to explore to the fullest.
There will be a couple of seminars happen this season and for these weeks the focus will be on hospitality, we expect you to support in this too.
Whenever possible you are invited to join the theory lessons and practical teachings.
Also, in the context of communal exchanges, we may engage in activities which may seem unrelated to the project.
You will be invited to join in these activities and connect with the local community.
Our expectations
For you to be actively involved in the daily operation of our homestead we ask you to share in kitchen responsibilities,
tend the animals, seed, plant, harvest, irrigate, keep up maintenance, help with food preservation,...
We are hoping to find motivated, hardworking interns with a wish to learn,
with a feeling of respect and responsability towards their surroundings and all surrounding creatures.
We also hope to find good company, positive spirits, feedback, ideas and to have fun.
We hope that after at least 3 months staying with us in Liveloula you feel experienced enough to maintain and organise a project similar to ours.
So, we hope we trained you to feel confident about what to do in normal circumstances, but also to make the right decisions in off standard situations.