Architect trainee

Architecture and/or Urban and Regional Planning
2 Sep, 2024 to 28 Feb, 2025
21 Jun, 2024

General information

6 months

Kaminsky Arkitektur is an award-winning architectural firm with recognitions at the Green Dot Award, the MIPIM Awards and the World Architecture Festival. We have won several open international architectural competitions such as Strandbaden in Falsterbo, Kjøpmannsgata in Trondheim and Flensburg Harbor in Reykjavik.

We are recognized for our strong positioning on sustainability, where we are an active voice. For far too long, architecture has been perceived as surface, decorations that can be added at the end of a process, instead of using it as a powerful tool that can improve our world. We want to design buildings that make people happy and have a minimal ecological footprint.

With commitment and professionalism, we create added value for our customers.

Joakim Kaminsky has been awarded the Carl Larsson Scholarship and Young Swedish Form. He has a background as an architect at UN-Studio and Wingårdhs. Joakim teaches regularly at Chalmers Arkitektur and has also taught at the architecture schools in Stockholm, Lund, Århus and Trondheim.

The office was founded in 2007 by Fredrik Kjellgren and Joakim Kaminsky as Kjellgren Kaminsky Architects. In 2021, Fredrik left the office, which today is run by Joakim Kaminsky under the name Kaminsky Arkitektur.

About you

We are looking for a Erasmus student that wants to grow togheter with us. we are looking for you with strong design skills and a great commitment to inspiring and sustainable architecture. As a person, you are detailed, independent and like to work at a fast pace.

As a trainee you will work on small to medium scale executive projects (for example: school, housing, office), you will learn to follow a project from beginning to end and to work in a team environment with a supervisor and different specialists. You will be involved in the different stages of the design process; proposing design solutions; making 3D models; drafting presentation drawings and construction details. You will expand your knowledge about sustainable development and social responsibility in architecture. You will also have a chance to further develop your skills in software , such as Autodesk Revit and others. 

The selection is ongoing so please apply as soon as possible. 

Financial compensation
English: Independent User B2
Level of Studies: 