Architecturaal intern

Architecture and/or Urban and Regional Planning
2 Sep, 2024 to 28 Feb, 2025
7 Jun, 2024

General information

6 months

Internship Architecture

Are you ambitious, enthusiastic and eager to learn? And looking for an internship or thesis project at a multidisciplinary agency? Then Rijnboutt is the right place for you! Per September 2024 we have a number of internship positions available at our Architecture, Landscape&Urban, and Technical departments.

What we’re looking for

You are currently registered (and will be for the whole duration of the internship) as a student in Europe, for a bachelor’s or master’s degree program in Architecture and are a citizen of one of the European Union coutries (this due to not having a specific visa for the students outside of europe);
You are available full-time (4-5 days a week) for a minimum of 6 months
Experience with design program’s for studies such as Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop
Experience with ArchiCad is a plus
You are able to present your work in a professional matter
You have a great understanding and feeling for conceptual thinking and are experienced at making study models (both physical and digital)

Rijnboutt designs and works on architecture, landscape and urban planning projects on an urban scale. Our expertise extends to the areas of sustainability, BIM, and heritage. 
Other than that we offer:

The Rijnboutt Academy to further expand your knowledge
A great monthly compensation
Your own personal mentor to guide you through your learning & development during the internship
Excursions, drinks & a workplace at Harbour City Amsterdam with an office located on the Moermanskkade, with a beautiful view overlooking the beautiful harbor waterfront.


Send your portfolio and CV via link on our website

Acquisition by Recruitment agencies is not appreciated. Your personal data will be protected according to the international privacy law

Financial compensation
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Archicad, Adobe creatieve, model making, sketching