Data Science internship 2023- 2024 - mobility & smart city

Engineering and/or Technology, Mathematics and/or Informatics
1 Sep, 2024 to 31 Dec, 2024
1 Sep, 2024

General information

4 months


We are VivaDrive - #cleantech and #mobility startup from Poland. At VivaDrive , we are a group of passionate people who want to make sure that electric vehicles and a smart city are more reality than a hype. We are building a solution for organizations and companies to modernize and manage their fleet of traditional and electric vehicles, and help cities introduce sustainable mobility.
You will have chance to work on the following projects:
- system for cost fleet management using Big Data and AI technologies to build a top-notch recommendation system for fleet managers
- drones used for city inspections using AI & Deep Learning


Before you apply, please check whether you are EU citizen or have a Schengen visa - we are not a big company, so we cannot apply for a visa for non-EU students!

BEST TO SEND US YOUR APPLICATION TO OUR EMAIL ADDRESSES: [email protected] & [email protected]

Some facts about us:

- We were selected among THE BEST 10 startups in Poland (Startupy w Pałacu);

- We were chosen the Most Innovative Company in Poland by the OVHCloud

- We work on COOL and important topics - sustainability, electromobility and road safety and so far we implemented projects in Poland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Ethiopia and we want to go global;

- Our office is located in a NICE PLACE - the cool building near the river -

- We have a GREAT TEAM - experienced with different backgrounds and very international - from Europe and Asia :)


Learn how you can benefit thanks to working as an intern at VivaDrive -

It's a great place to learn new skills, grow your passions and have fun :) So who we are looking for?



- You have your first experience in machine learning and data analysis? Are you next to join our Data Science Team? As a data science intern, you are going to start a new challenge in a fast-paced

an environment where you can use your programming skills to solve challenging data analytics problems related to our electric fleet management system, changing driver’s behavior or a recommendation engine.

- You like to learn and gain new experience

- You are open-minded and ambitious

- You are not afraid to take responsibility


- You help us design and implement our recommendation engine for electric vehicles using Machine Learning

- Work with us on mobility (cars, car-sharing, cycling, ...) data to deliver a world-class analytics platform for transportation and e-mobility companies

- You will help optimize our machine learning models and decision logic that we use for driver scoring and a gamification system

- interested in Technical Document Understanding Platform automates document processing to extract the fundamental structured information they contain


- You are a student in computer science or a related field

- Knowledge of Statistics and Machine Learning is a must

- You are experienced in Python and have a basic knowledge of software development

- The ability to quickly learn new technologies and successfully implement them is essential.

- You can work independently and take matters into your own hands

- Interested in working with Technical Document Understanding Platform?

We are flexible and you can work with us between 3 and 12 months.


- when can you join?

- for how long can you join us?

- why would you like to join us

- do you have a GitHub/bitbucket/... account? If yes, please share it with is :)

No financial compensation
Years of Experience required: 
English: Independent User B2
Level of Studies: 
Data Science
Probabilistic Theory