Digital Marketing for EcoVillage in Panama - Can you make us go viral?

Art and Design, Communication and Information Sciences, Social Sciences
20 Jun, 2024 to 28 Feb, 2025
19 Oct, 2024

General information

6 months

8th Life Panama is an ecovillage project located in rural Panama. Our Vision is of an intentional rural community where the values and ideals of community, respect, peace and living “on-purpose” (in short, ubuntu) are rediscovered by our residents. The Eco-village provides a sociocultural support structure and a healthy living and working environment. Fair work, cooperation and an abundance mindset prevail among our members. As a viable solution, others begin to collaborate with us, replicate and adapt model. A stronger, fairer local economy emerges together with increased sense of community and belonging. As part of a worldwide network of such communities, we support a global transition to a more just society.

That’s our vision – and we’re looking for co-founders to help make this happen.  In order to find those co-founders WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Do you want to use your amazing digital marketing, social media, photography and video editing skills and passions to document and market an exciting project that is changing how humans live? Are you the kind of person who tells a good story and grabs the attention of people through online, written and visual media?  Do you have your own laptop with image and video editing capabilities? Do you want to collectively create the story and tell the world about how we’re bucking the trend and creating a New Earth?

We are looking for people who realize that creating more EcoVillages and other transition communities is an urgent & vital necessity, and who feel a genuine calling to apply their talents, knowledge, passion, & creativity toward helping to create this community. People who roll up their sleeves and get down to work. People who know how to cooperate, collaborate, and communicate well.

We are specifically looking for someone to:
* handle social media – taking/editing photos, creating copy, creating content calendar, posting, commenting, following, replying,
* create a landing page with lots of images and not so many words (this has been recommended for/by the younger generations) which can then lead people into our full website
* make sure content gets distributed to all the myriad of online social media platforms & find a way to integrate blog posts to linked-in, email, etc. & that things can work more seamlessly
* update our content on platforms like Idealist, workaway, and others
*and help us go viral somehow!

Is this you?

No financial compensation


Digital Marketing  Social Media Marketing  

Additional Information

Please do take a look at our website so that you have an idea of what we're all about. This position is our wish list - we realize that you might not be able to do everything we're asking for. But then again, maybe you can! Oh - we have lodging available on-site. Our application process & expectations are described here:
English: Proficient User C1
Spanish: Proficient User C1
Level of Studies: 
Short cycle or equivalent
Digital marketing
Social media marketing
Photography & videography
Content creation