Education and/or Teacher Training
10 Sep, 2023 to 30 Jun, 2024
30 Jun, 2024

General information

3 months

Are you an undergraduate? Are you thinking about living an experience in the middle of the mountains? Are you an outdoor sports lover and are interested in giving language support to English language teachers? Then, come to our school and get an experience that you will never forget!

Àngel Serafí Casanovas is a public school for Childhood and Primary Education located in the town of Sort, capital of Pallars Sobirà County (Lleida). Sort has an excellent location, nearby different ski resorts: Port Ainé, Baqueira-Beret, Tavascan and Espot. Moreover, it is near Andorra, a little country with many possibilities for shopping, thermal water, ski resorts (Grand Valira, Ordino Arcalís, Pal-Arinsal) and it has got a diverse leisure activities offer. What is more, Aigüestortes National Park is only thirty minutes away from Sort by bus or car. In addition, rafting, kayaking and hidrospeed can be practised in Noguera Pallaresa river. Many options for walking and cycling (btt and road) are also possible.



No financial compensation
Years of Experience required: 


You have one free afternoon and extra time to enjoy outdoors.  Duration of the stay from 1 month to whole school year ( we are flexible)  Expenses on your own (accomodation, travel, daily subsistance allowances).  We do not process your visa, but we can help with the paperwork.  

Additional Information

Roles and reponsabilities: You will be giving support as an English language assistant in our Childhood and Primary Education School . You will help our students to improve their comprehension and expression in English language in small groups. We offer: - To help finding accommodation. - To manage your Erasmus Grant. - To pick you up at the airport. - To support with paperwork.
English: Independent User B2
Level of Studies: 
To have some computer experience to keep the school webpage up to date .
To have a positive attitude towards learining to learn new knowledge.
To be willing to take part in the everyday school life like a member of our staff with the same rights and duties likes teachers.
To have and enthusiastic and dynamic attitude.