EOI Valencia (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Valencia) - Official School of Languages of Valencia (Spain)

Education and/or Teacher Training, Humanities, Languages and Philological Sciences
15 Sep, 2017 to 31 May, 2018
20 Sep, 2017

General information

9 months
3-4 days per week

The Official School of Languages of Valencia (Spain) is a publicly funded school specializing in foreign languages for adult students, aged between 18 and 55 years old. Our school is amongst the biggest in Spain, with a total number of 115 teachers and 15.000 students.

We teach and certify the A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 MCRE (Common European Framework of Reference) levels in 10 foreign languages: German, English, Italian, French, Portuguese, Russian,  Arabic, Chinese, Valencian and Spanish for foreigners.

We are a multicultural institution and our students are either studying at university or are professionals from various fields. All of them wish to deepen their language skills in order to improve their careers or broaden their cultural knowledge.

The purpose of this presentation is to express our full availability to host students who are either in their final years or doing their master's, preferably in the field of Humanities, Languages, Translation, Language Teaching, etc. in order to spend a period of supervised practice in our center, within the European Program Erasmus.

All the detailed information about our center, as well as our website at: www.eoivalencia.es

We would be very happy to start a successful collaborative partnership with you as part of the Program Erasmus+.

No financial compensation


Supervised practice in the different Language Departments (English, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Arab, Japanese, Greek) giving support to our students in speaking skills  