Fashion Print Designer

Art and Design
1 Aug, 2024 to 1 Feb, 2025
1 Aug, 2024

General information

6 months

Are you looking for an internship? Do you want to develop your artisitc workshop and learn how the fashion industry works? Do you want to gain experience in print design? We are a print studio with more than 10 years of experience in the fashion industry. We are based in Stockholm, Sweden. For September-February 2024 we are looking for an intern in fashion print design.


A perfect candidate:

+ Is a textile design student /fashion design student / graphic design student

+ Wants to create prints for fashion brands

+ Is passionate about drawing and painting

+ Is familiar with Photoshop and other Adobe essentials

+ Is interested in fashion and follows latest trends


If you also are:

+ Independent and decisive

+ Self-motivated 

+ Creative 

+ Willing to work in an international environment

+ Looking for an internship that will help in your future career within Fashion and Design



More about the internship:

+ Work in a cozy studio in beautiful Stockholm, close to nature

+ Internship is minimum 3 months

+ We offer freedom, a nice atmosphere, and a place to grow!

+ If needed, we can help you finding your way around Stockholm


Our internship program is open throughout the whole year, however we recommend to apply for the period of 3 months at least. Preferaby 5-6 months as it is the time when you can actually get relevant knowledge and become a real print designer.

Send your CV with a short description of why you would like to do an internship with us. 

[email protected]


No financial compensation


Design  Print Design  Fashion  
English: Basic User A2
Ability to paint, Photoshop, Illustrator