Business Studies and/or Management Science, Communication and Information Sciences
7 Jan, 2024 to 31 Dec, 2024
16 Jul, 2024

General information

6 months

This internship is a part of the Placement Slovakia program organizing professional internships for foreign higher education students in Slovakia within Erasmus+ program.  All applying candidates have to be confirmed to receive an Erasmus+ learning agreement for traineeships, provided by their higher education institution covering the whole internship period.

Company profile:

This traineeship is in a Slovak Business Center of a global Fortune 500 company, the number one PC vendor worldwide and leader in providing innovative consumer, commercial and enterprise technologies. Serving customers in more than 160 countries, Its product lines include a full range of commercial and consumer PCs, servers and workstations, and a family of mobile internet devices including smartphones and tablets. The company is located in modern offices in a wide center of Bratislava, with over 500 employees.

Position description:

  • Support EMEA SSG marketing team in Channel Marketing communications 
  •  Support of the administrative tasks related to the partners’ cooperation
  • Region content adaptation of the global marketing assets
  • Support on the web Partner Hub pages

As our Intern we’ll teach you all the things we do including:
• Interaction with our Product Managers to understand what specific EMEA product materials should be posted to our Internal Sites
• Support of other administrative tasks related to ad-hoc tasks to assist Marketing and Sales Teams
• Learn how to use our various IT systems including Adobe package, Internal Sales tools etc.


•   Higher education student of Marketing or Business
•   Experienced with Microsoft Office Tools (Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, etc.)
•   Fluent English

Knowledge and skills the trainee can learn during the internship:

• Interaction with our Product Managers to understand what specific EMEA product materials should be posted to our Internal Sites
• Support of other administrative tasks related to ad-hoc tasks to assist Marketing and Sales Teams
• Learn how to use our various IT systems including Adobe package, Internal Sales tools etc.


Free accommodation provided,
Lunch allowance
Professional training courses
Possibility to get a Full- time employment offer after the internship
Support by our team before and during the internship

Interested candidates please apply by submitting an online application form at

We look forward to hearing from you!

No financial compensation
English: Independent User B2