Trainee at Sprachencafé (Language Café)

Education and/or Teacher Training, Languages and Philological Sciences, Social Sciences
2 Sep, 2024 to 13 Dec, 2024
21 Jul, 2024

General information

4 months
3-4 days per week

The "Kontaktepool SPRACHENCAFÉ” is an event taking place 3 evenings a week for everybody interested in languages and people. Every table at Sprachencafé is dedicated to a different language and visitors are free to join in, no matter whether they already master the language or not. Both people with and without migration history or refugee status are joining the event, many of them to improve their German skills. 

We are looking for a trainee with a social sciences or humanities (preferrably languages) background who assists us up to 3 times a week at the Sprachencafé (Tue, Wed, Thu 5pm-8pm). Responsibilities of the trainee include:

  • Moderating a language table (preferrably the trainee's first language),
  • Assisting the project staff with preparations for the event (arranging the room, preparing food and drinks)
  • Assisting with the service (tea, coffee..).

If desired the trainee could also assist us at "BegegnungsRaum" which is a study café every Friday afternoon. Responsibilities there would include tutoring (German, Maths, English) and/or assistance of the staff with preparations and service. 

Basic German skills would be heplful but not mandatory as long as communication in English is possible. There will also be the possibility to join German tables in order to improve the trainee's German speaking skills. 

In order to apply for the internship please send an e-mail including your CV to [email protected] explaining why you are interested in the internship. 






No financial compensation
English: Independent User B1
Level of Studies: 