Short cycle or equivalent

Asistente de comunicación, marketing y redes sociales

Editorial ofrece una plaza en prácticas como asistente de comunicación, marketing y redes sociales.

Duración: De 3 a 12 meses

Vacaciones: 2 días/mes

Horario: 30 h/semana

Requisito: Nivel fluido de español.


  • Creación de estrategias de marketing y branding.
  • Gestionar eventos: coordinar distribuidor, librería y autor.
  • Atención al autor (teléfono y email)

Tutorización: El candidato contará con apoyo para el correcto desarrollo de las tareas.

Oficina: El ambiente de la oficina es joven y multicultural.

Apply: En caso de estar interesado, envíe su CV a [email protected]

Thursday, October 3, 2019 to Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
Spanish: Independent User B2
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Digital Opportunities: 

Leisure Department – Student Welfare and Activity Leader

Main tasks and duties

Promoting leisure activities

Leading school leisure activities and excursions

Data entry

Student liaison, communication and customer service

School administration

Activities and duties could include daytime, evenings and the weekend

Assisting all departments in various tasks to help run the school

Skills required

Fluent in English (Intermediate/ B1 level of English +)

            Friendly disposition and people skills

            Microsoft Office

Thursday, August 1, 2019 to Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Independent User B1
St Julians
Microsoft Office
customer service  event management  leisure  leadership  
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Digital Opportunities: 

Marketing Department (Data Input)

Main tasks and duties

Data inputting

Regional marketing research

Other admin tasks

Skills required

            Fluent in English (Intermediate/ B1 level of English +)

            Friendly disposition and people skills

            Microsoft Office

Thursday, August 8, 2019 to Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Independent User B1
French: Proficient User C1
St Julians
Microsoft Office
marketing  SEO  
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Digital Opportunities: 

Academics Intern

Main tasks and duties

Assisting students with borrowing library books

Inputting data from students’ tests

Help with new students on their first day

Help with classroom resource creation

Creating and updating the weekly planners for the classes

Other admin tasks

Skills required

            Fluent in English (Intermediate/ B1 level of English +)

            Friendly disposition and people skills

            Microsoft Office

Thursday, August 8, 2019 to Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Independent User B1
St Julians
Microsoft Office
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Digital Opportunities: 

Front Office Intern (Morning and Afternoon shifts)

Seeing to customers' needs and requests

Providing information on new students’ first day

Assisting in documentation for tests, progress tests etc…

Giving out information related to extra-curricular and leisure activities

Collecting data

Other admin tasks

Skills required

            Fluent in English (Intermediate/ B1 level of English +)

            Friendly disposition and people skills

            Microsoft Office

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 to Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Independent User B1
St Julians
reception  customer service  
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Digital Opportunities: 

Language teacher ( to develop courses for learning second languages in a Publishing Company)

We do not teach, we are not a school, we are content creators.

Selected for the ERASMUS Grant Intership!

1) Who are we?
My Language Skills is an OSLP (Open Secondary Language Publishing) start-up company that provides a service for teachers.

2) What do we do?
We create useful and well organized open tools and materials for the learning of second languages, which are provided through several websites.

3) How do we do it?
Through our website we use a platform to create open educational resources.

4) Why do we stand out?
Our open philosophy is based on 5 R’s (retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute). This allows our teachers to access to editing tools, with a low level of expertise required, and in a format that is easily editable.

5) Where are we located?
Our online platform is accessible from all over the world. The headquarters are located in Valencia, a Mediterranean cosmopolitan city.

Is this you?
A fun, creative, very communicative person with:
Excitement for our vision, our product and our team
A passion for languages
Some professional experience or formal education in (languages): philology, linguistics or translation
Medium English speaking and writing skills (some knowledge of Spanish is an advantage). Fluent in any language.
Selected for the ERASMUS Grant Intership!

Impact: Your ideas are welcome! Creating language courses a big thing with us!
Learning: You will constantly work directly with the founders and improve your language skills.
Fun: Work hard, play hard! Enjoy a warm winter and a crazy summer with us in Valencia.

The creation of:

Grammar courses
Ortographic courses
Vocabulary courses
In A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2 levels
In your mother language or specialization languages
30 h/week flexible timetable

Monday, September 30, 2019 to Saturday, February 1, 2020
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Independent User B2
Deadline to Apply: 
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Digital Opportunities: 

Prácticas profesionales en Recursos Humanos

¿Te apasiona el mundo de los Recursos Humanos? ¿Quieres adquirir experiencia en el sector en una empresa joven, internacional y creativa? VeraContent es una agencia de contenidos multilingües para empresas y editoriales que cuenta con un equipo internacional formado por una amplia variedad de perfiles.

Estamos buscando un estudiante de prácticas para incorporarse a nuestro departamento de Recursos Humanos a partir de marzo por una duración de mínima de 3 meses. El candidato debe ser una persona con pasión por trabajar en un entorno internacional y en una empresa en pleno proceso de expansión. Nuestro objetivo principal es acercar a personas de todo el mundo trabajando en una comunicación que trasciende las diferencias culturales y lingüísticas.


  • Estudiantes de máster en Recursos Humanos o estudiantes de grados que cursen estudios relacionados con los Recursos Humanos y que tengan un gran interés por  desarrollar una carrera profesional en este ámbito.
  • Pasión por las personas y los entornos de trabajo internacionales y multiculturales.
  • Interés en conocer de cerca la gestión de una start-up de rápido crecimiento y con proyección internacional.
  • Persona organizada, resolutiva y predispuesta, que sea capaz de trabajar de forma autónoma.
  • Capacidad profesional completa para trabajar en inglés – nivel C1.
  • Es indispensable estar cursando un grado o un máster para poder formalizar las prácticas mediante un convenio con la universidad.
  • Manejo alto de paquete Office y capacidad de aprender a utilizar nuevo software.
  • Disponibilidad de 20 horas a la semana, en horario de mañana o tarde.


La persona seleccionada colaborará estrechamente con la responsable de Recursos Humanos de nuestra agencia, lo que le permitirá conocer el alcance y la gestión de los Recursos Humanos desde una perspectiva integral. Las funciones que desempeñará el candidato seleccionado incluyen:

  • Ayudar en los procesos de selección de nuevos miembros del equipo, desde la publicación del puesto hasta la incorporación del candidato.
  • Realización de entrevistas, informes y validación de perfiles.
  • Seguimiento del personal contratado, así como de su rendimiento y nivel de satisfacción.
  • Colaborar en el desarrollo de acciones para la gestión del talento y la formación dentro del equipo.
  • Gestión de planes de formación.
  • Colaborar en la elaboración de políticas internas de Recursos Humanos y contribuir a su ejecución.
  • Evaluar el clima organizacional de la empresa e implementar medidas para su mejora.
  • Gestión administrativa de procedimientos y otras funciones de apoyo al departamento.


  • Trabajo colaborativo en un equipo joven, dinámico e internacional.
  • Entorno profesional creativo y estimulante.
  • Horario flexible, con posibilidad de trabajo remoto 3 días a la semana.
  • Firma de convenio con institución académica para convalidación de créditos.
  • Participación en proyectos innovadores y capacidad real de impacto en las políticas y procesos de RRHH.
  • Formación continua.
  • Fecha de incorporación negociable por un periodo mínimo de 3 meses.

Envía tu currículum:

Por favor, completa el formulario y adjunta tu currículum a través de nuestra página web. Elige la opción de “Prácticas en Recursos Humanos” como “Desired Position” y cuéntanos por qué este puesto es idóneo para tu perfil. Si necesitas más información acerca del puesto, no dudes en escribirnos a [email protected].

Únicamente se tendrán en cuenta las candidaturas que se hayan presentado mediante nuestra página web y solo nos pondremos en contacto con aquellos candidatos que entren en nuestro proceso de selección.

Sunday, September 1, 2019 to Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
Spanish: Proficient User C1
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Digital Opportunities: 

Writing and Translation for-credit internship for current students – Spanish and English

VeraContent is a multilingual content agency for brands and publishers founded by an international team of writers, linguists and marketing professionals. Our main services include translation and multilingual content creation. We also run a popular lifestyle blog, Naked Madrid, and a guide for moving to Spain called

We are seeking passionate writers and translators who are versatile and willing to take on various types of assignments, both for our clients and our internal publications. This internship will help you hone your writing and translation skills while working in a fast-paced international environment.

Main tasks and responsibilities:

  • Working on translating and editing texts for major international clients, for both print and digital media.
  • Assisting in a wide range of other projects, including social media, market research and copywriting. What we’re looking for:
  • Excellent writing skills, mainly in English or Spanish – however we would also consider natives of other languages
  • A passion for languages – knowledge of more than one language is a big plus!
  • Enthusiasm and the ability to take initiative
  • Great attention to detail in writing and editing
  • Interest in technology and ability to quickly learn new software tools

You will be able to gain skills in the following areas: 

  • Writing, editing, proofreading, & translation
  • Blogging and working with content management tools
  • Learning project management workflow and applying quality standards

What you’ll enjoy: 

  • Building a real portfolio to show to future employers
  • Learning how to use WordPress and other software tools used in the writing/translation/publishing industry
  • Getting constructive feedback on all your work
  • Working in a tight-knit and international team


  • Minimum 20 hours / week
  • Minimum 6 months duration, ideally the full academic year
  • Possibility to work remotely
  • You must be a current university student.

To apply:

Please apply on our website choosing “ Writing and Translation internship for current students Spanish and English” as the “desired position.” Let us know why you’re a fit for this role. Include your CV and LinkedIn profile, along with 3-5 writing samples (preferably published articles, blog posts, web copy, or marketing / advertising materials).  If you would like to contact us with any additional information, you can send an email to [email protected].

Only applications made through the website will be considered and we will only contact candidates we choose to be part of the selection process.

Sunday, September 1, 2019 to Monday, June 1, 2020
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C2
Translation, copywriting  
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Digital Opportunities: 

Writing and Translation for-credit internship for current students – Spanish and English

VeraContent is a multilingual content agency for brands and publishers founded by an international team of writers, linguists and marketing professionals. Our main services include translation and multilingual content creation. We also run a popular lifestyle blog, Naked Madrid, and a guide for moving to Spain called

We are seeking passionate writers and translators who are versatile and willing to take on various types of assignments, both for our clients and our internal publications. This internship will help you hone your writing and translation skills while working in a fast-paced international environment.

Main tasks and responsibilities:

  • Working on translating and editing texts for major international clients, for both print and digital media.
  • Assisting in a wide range of other projects, including social media, market research and copywriting. What we’re looking for:
  • Excellent writing skills, mainly in English or Spanish – however we would also consider natives of other languages
  • A passion for languages – knowledge of more than one language is a big plus!
  • Enthusiasm and the ability to take initiative
  • Great attention to detail in writing and editing
  • Interest in technology and ability to quickly learn new software tools

You will be able to gain skills in the following areas: 

  • Writing, editing, proofreading, & translation
  • Blogging and working with content management tools
  • Learning project management workflow and applying quality standards

What you’ll enjoy: 

  • Building a real portfolio to show to future employers
  • Learning how to use WordPress and other software tools used in the writing/translation/publishing industry
  • Getting constructive feedback on all your work
  • Working in a tight-knit and international team


  • Minimum 20 hours / week
  • Minimum 6 months duration, ideally the full academic year
  • Possibility to work remotely
  • You must be a current university student.

To apply:

Please apply on our website choosing “ Writing and Translation internship for current students Spanish and English” as the “desired position.” Let us know why you’re a fit for this role. Include your CV and LinkedIn profile, along with 3-5 writing samples (preferably published articles, blog posts, web copy, or marketing / advertising materials).  If you would like to contact us with any additional information, you can send an email to [email protected].

Only applications made through the website will be considered and we will only contact candidates we choose to be part of the selection process.

Sunday, September 1, 2019 to Monday, June 1, 2020
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C2
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Digital Opportunities: 

Multitask Internship in Real Estate in Budapest

Come to one of the most beautiful and intercultural cities in Europe, and take the advantage of making an enriching Internship in our company! Supervised by a very nice team of professionals, your main tasks will consist on:
- Reception: of multicultural clients at the office
- Commercial: showing of properties: move ins-move outs + administrative tasks
- Marketing + communication: search of potential clients through personal and alternative channels, newsletters
- Networking: in the Internet

If you are an open minded person, ready to discover new cultures and ways of living and working + capable to work in multitask functions, you are the person we are looking for. Do not hesitate to SEND US NOW your CV so that we can contact you! Hoping to see you soon in our team! Regards

Sunday, September 1, 2019 to Saturday, February 29, 2020
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
Erasmus  Budapest  Erasmus  
Deadline to Apply: 
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Digital Opportunities: