Short cycle or equivalent

Marketing and Content specialist for a Real Estate market Startup (PropTech)

Colouree is a "PropTech" Italian Startup that provides web-based  and data-driven solutions to support Investors, consultants, and professionals in Real Estate and Smart City markets.  

As a Digital Startup, our core  communication and marketing strategies are online-based.

We are looking for a motivated person who supports Colouree team both in the daily content activities,  and at a marketing strategy level able to use (or quickly learn) dedicated tools and methodologies (e.g. Active Campaign; Hootsuite; MailPoet; Mailchimp; Google Analytics; Google-Linkedin-Facebook ADV)

English knowledge is mandatory

more information about us:





Friday, April 1, 2022 to Saturday, December 31, 2022
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
Italian: Independent User B2
marketing  startup  real estate  proptech  
Deadline to Apply: 
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Digital Opportunities: 

Digital Marketing Intern

We are currently looking for a digital marketing enthusiast to join our team in Kaunas for at least 3 months to 12 months.

All our candidates are required to have a good level of English and should be entitled to Erasmus+ scholarship that will cover for their living expenses during their internship. 

Candidates should have basic skills in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media marketing skills and should be willing to learn.

Job description: Blogging, Link building, graphic designing, email marketing, social media marketing.

About us

AdsTargets is an online advertising solution provider for online advertisers while at the same time we give publishers the opportunity to maximize their revenue by displaying Ads on their blogs and websites across the globe,

Our innovative and smart ads optimization system is designed to prevent fraud and deliver advertisers the value they deserve.

We serve banner ads, Text Ads, Interstitial Ads and In-App ads across all devices 

For more information about us, visit our about us page here:

Wednesday, March 16, 2022 to Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information:
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Independent User B1
Internet marketing  Digital Marketing  Management  online marketing  Marketing  Erasmus Internship  Marketing Internship  Internship Europe  Blogging  Content marketing  Web Design  Social media marketing  Social media  
Deadline to Apply: 
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Digital Opportunities: 

Office Manager

Erasmus Student Network Castelo Branco (ESN Castelo Branco or ESN CB) is looking for an Office Manager. The intern will work closely with the administrative board of ESN Castelo Branco in the association’s office and will be responsible for:

• Help with the general administration of ESN CB;

• Organize the paper work and book-keeping of ESN CB;

• Main responsible for the registration process of ESN Castelo Branco’s activities;

• Draft budget reports;

• Accounting tasks;

• Redesign the office concept;

• Implement own projects and ideas;

• Provide important information to Erasmus students


Application Procedure

• Send your Curriculum Vitae and a motivation letter to [email protected], with the subject “Office Manager Internship Application”.

• Only applications with both elements will be taken into consideration.


Salary and extras:

• Remuneration according to the ERASMUS+ Grant*.

• Travel reimbursements when travelling for ESN Castelo Branco.

• Dedicated spots on our trips and activities.

• Help finding accommodation and integration process.

* All applications should be eligible for an Erasmus Placement Scholarship. Ask your International Office at your University for further information.


About Erasmus Student Network Castelo Branco

ESN Castelo Branco is the Castelo Branco section from the Erasmus Student Network. ESN Castelo Branco is ruled by the principles of the Erasmus Student Network and, just like any other ESN section, it is a non-profitable organization. This section was the 14th section in ESN Portugal, from a total of 14 sections nowadays: ESN Porto, ESN Coimbra, ESN Lisboa, ESN UÉvora, ESN Covilhã, ESN Minho, ESN UTAD, ESN Algarve, ESN Madeira, ESN Leiria, ESN Bragança, ESN Tomar and of course ESN Aveiro. ESN Castelo Branco fully cooperates with the International Office of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, aiming to help with the integration and improve the quality of life of exchange students in our city.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018 to Friday, March 2, 2018
Level of Studies: 
English: Independent User B1
Castelo Branco
Deadline to Apply: 
Friday, November 30, 2018
Digital Opportunities: 

Internship – Marketing & Communication at EuroCham Myanmar


The European Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar – EuroCham Myanmar – was launched in December 2014, co-funded by the European Union. EuroCham serves as the voice of European business in Myanmar, contributes to a better business climate and promotes trade and investment relations with the EU.

Working at the crossroads of international trade, economic diplomacy and public-private sector cooperation, EuroCham’s main contacts are Myanmar officials, EU member state embassies, the EU delegation, the European Commission, European businesses, international organisations and European trade promotion organisations. The chamber has a dedicated international team of professionals from across Europe and Myanmar, working at a modern corporate office right by People’s park.


EuroCham offers an interesting and challenging internship opportunity in the Marketing & Communications department for EU students that are curious about the workings of EU business in frontier markets. You can expect a professional and international work environment at the interface between the European business community and the Myanmar government.

We highly encourage applications from students who can integrate the internship in their university studies. Minimum duration: 5 months.

Monday, January 7, 2019 to Friday, May 31, 2019
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information: 
Excellent command of English Very good knowledge of MS Office Undergraduate degree or previous professional and/or volunteering experience The ideal candidate will also possess the following additional assets: Experience in graphic design, video and photo editing Experience in project management Experience in social media management Strong analytical and problem-solving capacity Moreover, the successful candidate will have the following personal skills: High degree of intercultural sensitivity Solution-oriented thinking and hands-on mentality Ability to work in a team and independently Highly detail oriented Ability to handle multiple assignments and requests and prioritize accordingly Ability to meet assigned deadlines Conditions You will work with and report to the Marketing & Communication Manager 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday Position to be filled from January/February 2019 A monthly housing allowance will be provided. Applications (CV and motivation letter) should be addressed to Mr. Filip Lauwerysen, Executive Director of EuroCham Myanmar, exclusively by e-mail to [email protected]. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified and invited for interview.
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Independent User B2
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, December 31, 2018
Digital Opportunities: 

Auslandspraktikum Reisejournalismus in Edinburgh (m/w)

Im Projektzeitraum in Edinburgh erstellen wir, unter Anleitung von schottischen Fachleuten aus den Bereichen Reisejournalismus, Copy-Editing, Geschichte/Culture sowie Design, professionelle Reiseguides. Unsere Studierenden lernen, wie ein Reisejournalismus Projekt, bis zum Ergebnis in Form des Guidebuchs, durchgeführt werden kann. Zum Abschluss des Projektes haben unsere Studierenden eine Veröffentlichung in englischer Sprache vorliegen, welche an der Uni oder in der weiteren Karriere zum Vorteil verwendet werden kann.

Die Aufgaben unserer Auslands-Praktikanten sind vielfältig und wahlweise erweiterbar durch Bereiche wie das Layout, Editing oder Pressefotografie.

* Inhaltliche Betreuung in allen fachlichen Projektbereichen durch die britischen Fachleute, im Rahmen von Reisejournalismus Workshops mit erfahrenen Lektoren, Journalisten, Projektmanagern und Layoutern aus Großbritannien

* Verfassen von Artikeln für das Guidebuch über Edinburgh mit fachlicher, inhaltlicher Unterstützung durch Journalisten und Proofreader zur Optimierung der Artikel und der Recherche-Qualität

* projektbezogene Culture Meetings, auch zur Unterstützung bei der Recherche

* begleitete Recherche, projektbezogene Besuche sowie Exkursionen, Interviews mit bestimmten Ansprechpartnern aus Kultur und Wirtschaft

* zusätzliche, optionale Mitarbeit beim Layout, Editing und den Fotos mit Unterstützung durch den Grafikdesigner aus Edinburgh

* Know-how zum Publishing

Unsere Absolventen seit 2008 arbeiten in Online- und Print Redaktionen, für Reiseorganisationen, News Agencies oder auch für die CTR Projekte in Europa.

* ordentliche Englischkenntnisse sind von Vorteil; mit der Möglichkeit diese noch zu optimieren

* für die optionale, zusätzliche Mitarbeit im Layout-Bereich sind erste Vorkenntnisse mit entsprechender Adobe bzw. Canva Software oder bei der Bildbearbeitung von Vorteil

Um in das Edinburgh Team zu kommen sind die Freude am Recherchieren, kreativem Schreiben, an interkultureller Kommunikation und ein hohes Interesse an der Optimierung der eigenen Fähigkeiten in sämtlichen Schwerpunkten sowie der fachlichen und interkulturellen Projektziele gefordert.

Unsere Ziele sind die Verbesserung der reise-journalistischen Fachkenntnisse, der Englischkenntnisse und der interkulturellen Kompetenz unserer Auslands- Praktikanten. Zum Abschluss eines Projekts liegt ein Guidebuch über Edinburgh vor. Die Ausgaben werden für unsere Studierenden in einer bestimmten Struktur veröffentlicht.

Unsere Absolventen bekommen, neben der Guidebuch-Veröffentlichung, ein Zeugnis als Projekt-Referenz.

Für eine Bewerbung, nächster verfügbarer Projektplatz in Schottland im Frühling 2019, senden Sie bitte Ihren Lebenslauf/CV per E-Mail oder fragen zunächst eine Projektbeschreibung an.

Team CityTravelReview

Monday, February 11, 2019 to Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Independent User B2
United Kingdom
Deadline to Apply: 
Friday, November 30, 2018
Digital Opportunities: 

Internship as a English Language Teacher

We are a small school but 100% motivated, wanting to be one of the greatest and stand out in Munich for being the only school with an innovative methodology with 100% motivated teachers, who every day are looking to improve language learning .That is why we offer the opportunity to students to carry out their practices with us, achieving:Develop new learning strategies
Creation of new educational methods
Have the opportunity to create new material according to the type of studentIt is necessary:
Have a basic knowledge of German
Be creativeOportunity to Teaching 
Knowledge of word, excel and power point
Knowledge of social networks
Desire to learn online learning software

With us you will gain experience!

More about us:

Our school located in the center of Munich, has the doors open to students who want to take risks with an innovative methodology! As this is the characteristic of our school, we look for people who are highly motivated, positive and have patience to try different methods. Creativity is part of Lima Sprachschule, having a Peruvian heart, we are agile, and instead of seeing problems we find solutions!

Teamwork within Lima Sprachschule is very important, as each member is part of our family, where we respect, help and encourage a fun environment in the office.

Although we are a new school in the market, that's why we look for people with your motivation to grow in the professional world!

The schedule, for the practices with Erasmus are 40 hours per week, always exempt the freedom to have free days, after coordination so you can make excursions in Munich. Also being so well located, you can sit for lunch in parks with great views, if you wish. We have a small kitchen, like every house, you must have one.

At the end of your practice with us you will not only receive your sealed documents, but also a letter of practice in English and German (it is possible also in Spanish), even if you achieved more than 200 lessons of teaching you could receive a certificate of recommendation as a teacher. Ah! And of course a dinner with the team of Lima Sprachschule!

Do you want to be part of our team? contact us : [email protected]

Tuesday, January 7, 2020 to Saturday, April 4, 2020
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Proficient User C1
German: Basic User A2
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, January 6, 2020
Digital Opportunities: 

Language assistant in German

  • Über uns:
  • Wir sind ein allgemeinbildendes Gymnasium, das sich in Rezé nur fünf Minuten von Nantes befindet. Nantes liegt in Westfrankreich und ist die sechstgrößte Stadt Frankreichs, die bekannt für ihre kulturellen Angebote ist. Zwei Stunden mit der Bahn von Paris entfernt, weniger als eine Stunde von der Atlantikküste und zwei Stunden vom Mont-Saint-Michel und von den Stränden der Normandie.
  • Das Notre-Dame Gymnasium besuchen 800 Schüler zwischen 15 und 18 Jahren. Fünf Fremdsprachen werden dort unterrichtet: Englisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, Italienisch und Chinesisch. Es sind sieben Englischlehrer, vier Spanischlehrer, zwei Deutschlehrer, ein Italienischlehrer und ein Chinesischlehrer. 
  • Beschreibung des Jobangebots: circa 12 Gesprächsstunden pro Woche mit 10 Schülern unter Aufsicht eines Sprachlehrers, auch mögliche Unterrichtsstunden mit kleinen Grundschülergruppen (in unserer benachbarten Grundschule)
  • Unserem  Gymnasium wurde das internationale Label verliehen (Austausche mit den USA, Mexiko, Island, China, Spanien, Ungarn, der Tschechischen Republik, Italien)
  • Wir suchen nach Sprachassistenten in Englisch, Spanisch und Deutsch.
  • Art: Lehranstalt
  • Wir suchen nach Muttersprachlern, die an dem Lehramt interessiert sind und als Sprachassistent in verschiedenen Klassen mit 15-bis 18jährigen Schülern in Englisch, Deutsch oder Spanisch arbeiten wollen am besten von Oktober 2024 bis Jan 2025
  • Die Schule wird Ihnen dabei helfen, eine günstige (wenn möglich kostenlose) Unterbringung bei einer französischen Familie zu finden. Es wird eine Teilnahme an den Essenskosten bei der Familie gebeten. Möglich ist es Mittags unter der Woche gratis in der Schulkantine zu essen. 
  • Sie können an den Schulaktivitäten teilnehmen (Turnen, Theater, Sportveranstaltungen, Ausflüge...)
  • Ihnen werden Fahrkarten für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel gegeben. Man könnte Ihnen auch auf Anfrage ein Fahrrad für die Dauer Ihres Aufenthalts leihen.
Monday, September 23, 2024 to Friday, January 31, 2025
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
Custom email address
Notification email: 
French: Basic User A2
German: Proficient User C2
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, July 1, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

Business developing intern

Aim: Decent work and economic growth 

Marketing executive works closely with other employees such as advertising, market research, production sales and distribution staff.

Devising and presenting ideas and strategies

Promotional activities

Organising event and exibitions

Monitoring performance, managing campaigns on social media

Thursday, August 15, 2024 to Friday, November 15, 2024
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Basic User A2
Deadline to Apply: 
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

English or Scientific/ Technical subjects in English Teaching Assistant

We would like to recruit  language assistants to be involved in  teaching  English or Scientific/ Technical subjects in English  to 14-19 years old students. the internship period can be variable. The deadline is not mandatory.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 to Sunday, June 6, 2021
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
Languages Education European values  
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, February 10, 2020
Digital Opportunities: