Education and/or Teacher Training


We are seeking an enthusiastic language assistant to join our team as part of the Erasmus+ program. You will have the opportunity to share your native language and culture with our students while discovering our local culture and improving your language skills.


  • Assist teachers in teaching your native language.
  • Organize cultural and language activities for students.
  • Engage in intercultural exchanges with students and staff.
  • Provide additional support to students in learning your language.


  • Be a native speaker of [Target Language].
  • Be enrolled in a higher education institution participating in the Erasmus+ program.
  • Have a sufficient level of the host country's language for basic communication.
  • Have an interest in education, culture, and international exchanges.
  • Be flexible, creative, and able to work in a team.


  • An enriching experience in an international environment.
  • Monthly financial allowance.
  • Provided accommodation or assistance in finding accommodation.
  • Health and liability insurance.
  • Ongoing support from the host institution's team.

If you are passionate about language teaching and eager to experience life abroad, please send your CV and a cover letter to [Email Address] by [Deadline Date]. We look forward to welcoming you to our institution!

Sunday, September 1, 2024 to Wednesday, July 2, 2025
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information: 
Desvres is a small rural town that is only 2.5 hours away from Paris, London, and Brussels. Hosting an intern is really important for our school community. Students are between 11 and 14 years old for St. Joseph secondary school and between 3 and 10 years old for St. Nicholas School. The two establishments together form the St. Nicholas & St. Joseph school complex. All students need to discover new cultures and open up to the world. They are always amazed to meet this new Erasmus+ teaching assistant accustomed to traveling to prepare his/her professional project. It's an enriching and useful experience for them personally and professionally. We are ready to welcome you. You will assist teachers and enable children to open up to the world. Our school complex is ready to host assistants for the 2024-2025 school year.
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
French: Independent User B1
German: Proficient User C1
Spanish: Proficient User C1
Deadline to Apply: 
Friday, July 12, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

Nous recherchons des étudiants en formation d'enseignants de langue maternelle française pour des stages dans des écoles à Gran Canaria.

Nous sommes ravis d'accueillir les futurs enseignants de France. Nous cherchons des enseignats ou des étudiants qui souhaitent se développer professionnellement.

Nos objectifs de travail sont les suivants:

-Parler français avec les élèves.

-L'apprendissage d'une langue étrangère.

-Les outils numériques et téchnologique.

-Participer aux activités et projets de notre école (la radio scolaire, le journal de l'école, des jeux, le projet de santé...).

-La robotique.

-L'inclusion scolaire.

-La pedagogie.

Nous sommes aussi intéressés à découvrir des differentes cultures et des idées nouvelles.

Monday, September 30, 2024 to Monday, February 3, 2025
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information: 
Notre établisment, Doctor Juan Espino Sánchez, c'est une école publique de primaire qui se trouve à Ingenio. C'est une ville très belle située sur l'île de Gran Canaria (aux Îles Canaries). Notre centre enseigne maternelle (de 2 à 5 ans) et l'élémentaire (de 6 à 12 ans). Nos élèves commencent l'apprendissage de la langue française en 5ème quand ils ont 10 ans. Le français est la deuxième langue étrangère et ils sont très motivés
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Independent User B2
French: Proficient User C1
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Français  Assistant(e) enseignant(e)  Enseignant  Education  Éducateurs en formation  Erasmus  
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, June 3, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

Internship Eventi Animazione

We are looking for high motivated people willing to start a fantastic adventure with us in Resorts and Touristic villages all around Italy.

As touristic entertainer your job will be make people having fun while having fun! You could work with kids in the kids club, or be the leader of great sport tournaments or be a star during leading your personal fitness class or on the stage as a dancer and choreographer, we will find you a role that best suit with your skills. 

We Offer:

  • Full accomodation ( room and food at the restaurants of the facility)
  •  Monthly salary with regular contract ( Around +600 EUR)
  •  More time to achieve all the objective of your internship
  •  Possibility of future collaboration and growht with us
  •  Refund for flight or trip ticket ( Up to 150 EUR)

We Require:

  • Social Behaviour
  • English Level B2
  • Other languages will give priority 
  • Respectfull and Professional attitude
  • EU Citizenship


Departures from  May for a minimum of 8 weeks.


Don't esitate, become a Easy Smile People!

Send your cv to [email protected]

Friday, May 3, 2024 to Monday, September 30, 2024
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Independent User B2
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, May 13, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

Internship Eventi Animazione

We are looking for high motivated people willing to start a fantastic adventure with us in Resorts and Touristic villages all around Italy.

As touristic entertainer your job will be make people having fun while having fun! You could work with kids in the kids club, or be the leader of great sport tournaments or be a star during leading your personal fitness class or on the stage as a dancer and choreographer, we will find you a role that best suit with your skills. 

We Offer:

  • Full accomodation ( room and food at the restaurants of the facility)
  •  Monthly salary with regular contract ( Around +600 EUR)
  •  More time to achieve all the objective of your internship
  •  Possibility of future collaboration and growht with us
  •  Refund for flight or trip ticket ( Up to 150 EUR)

We Require:

  • Social Behaviour
  • English Level B2
  • Other languages will give priority 
  • Respectfull and Professional attitude
  • EU Citizenship


Departures from  May for a minimum of 8 weeks.


Don't esitate, become a Easy Smile People!

Send your cv to [email protected]

Friday, May 3, 2024 to Monday, September 30, 2024
English: Independent User B2
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, May 13, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

Internship Eventi Animazione

We are looking for high motivated people willing to start a fantastic adventure with us in Resorts and Touristic villages all around Italy.

As touristic entertainer your job will be make people having fun while having fun! You could work with kids in the kids club, or be the leader of great sport tournaments or be a star during leading your personal fitness class or on the stage as a dancer and choreographer, we will find you a role that best suit with your skills. 

We Offer:

  • Full accomodation ( room and food at the restaurants of the facility)
  •  Monthly salary with regular contract ( Around +600 EUR)
  •  More time to achieve all the objective of your internship
  •  Possibility of future collaboration and growht with us
  •  Refund for flight or trip ticket ( Up to 150 EUR)

We Require:

  • Social Behaviour
  • English Level B2
  • Other languages will give priority 
  • Respectfull and Professional attitude
  • EU Citizenship


Departures from  May for a minimum of 8 weeks.


Don't esitate, become a Easy Smile People!

Send your cv to [email protected]


Friday, May 3, 2024 to Monday, September 30, 2024
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Independent User B2
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, May 13, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

Junior teacher

Hai appena terminato gli studi? Sei alla ricerca di un’esperienza all’estero? Sei motivato/a e curioso/a?
Forse facciamo per te! 

Siamo “Praticamente”, una scuola di lingua e cultura italiana che opera in Kazakistan dal 2010, con sedi ad Astana ed Almaty.

Cerchiamo giovani neolaureati (o equivalente) che vogliano venire ad insegnare italiano e partecipare alle attività della nostra scuola come eventi culturali, traduzioni e collaborazioni con università italiane e kazake.

Offriamo un tirocinio (vero, non sarete lasciati in balia degli eventi, ma sarà un’esperienza di crescita e di comunità tra colleghi) per un periodo di almeno TRE mesi, (perferibilmente 6 o più) in una delle nostre sedi.


Periodi: da maggio 2024 e da giugno 2024 in poi.
Carico di lavoro: 60 ore mensili di lezione più le attività connesse.

Lingue richieste: ITALIANO, RUSSO, INGLESE.


Caratteristiche dell’offerta: 

Training su gestione della classe, didattica, utilizzo dei materiali e standardizzazione;

Alloggio in un appartamento adiacente alla scuola, in stanza singola, con cucina e bagno condivisi con un altro collega;

Rimborso spese simbolico; 

Guida in città per trovare luoghi di prima necessità (supermercati, farmacie, locali);

Assistenza per utilities e documenti utili al soggiorno;

Incontro all’aeroporto di Almaty o Astana, a seconda della sede di lavoro.


Valutiamo inserimento nel nostro organico a migliori condizioni dopo il periodo di tirocinio.

Ci potete iniziare a conoscere anche su instagram a @praticamente_school .


Se interessati, scrivete mail con CV a [email protected] . 

Vi aspettiamo!

Friday, May 31, 2024 to Friday, November 15, 2024
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Independent User B2
Russian: Independent User B1
teacher  consultant  
Deadline to Apply: 
Friday, May 24, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

Language assistant

- Provide language support to both university students and staff in and out of regular lessons

- Monitor student and staff use of English during regular lesson

- Organise conversation lessons in English

- Participate in a bilingual Spanish-English higher education experience

- Edit teaching materials, documents, etc. in English

- Provide feedback to students’ tasks in English

- Help with organising extra- and cross-curricular activities in English such as talks, workshops, visits, etc.

- Research resources in English for the teaching and learning of academic subjects

Monday, September 2, 2024 to Saturday, May 31, 2025
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information: 
Please, see attached PDF
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
Prior experience with teaching and language teaching will be considered a merit.
university  language  teaching  
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

English Language Assistant in CLIL SUBJECTS

Institut Màrius Torres de Lleida is known for its innovative language projects. The school has a number of ongoing projects that are designed to help students develop their language skills in a creative and engaging way.

One such project is the school's Erasmus+ project, which allows students to travel to other European countries to study and work with students from other cultures. The school also has a number of language clubs and workshops, where students can practice their language skills in a relaxed and informal setting.

A School that Prepares Students for Success

The dedication and interest in language education at Institut Màrius Torres de Lleida are evident in the school's students. Graduates of the school are well-prepared to succeed in a globalized world, where the ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages is essential.

If you are looking for a school that is committed to providing its students with the best possible language education, Institut Màrius Torres de Lleida is an excellent option.

Here are some of the linguistic projects that characterize Institut Màrius Torres de Lleida:

  • Erasmus+ project: This project allows students to travel to other European countries to study and work with students from other cultures.

  • Language clubs: The school has a number of language clubs, where students can practice their language skills in a relaxed and informal setting.

  • Language workshops: The school offers a variety of language workshops, which cover topics such as conversation, pronunciation, and grammar.

  • Language competitions: Students are encouraged to participate in language competitions, which can help them to improve their skills and gain confidence.

These are just a few of the many linguistic projects that take place at Institut Màrius Torres de Lleida. The school's commitment to language education is evident in the wide range of opportunities that it provides for its students to develop their language skills.


Providing Language Support for Music and Foreign Language Teachers

  • Sharing information about the language assistant's country in the foreign language.
  • Offering support in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) subjects.
  • Assisting students with special needs.
  • Preparing teaching materials.


Expected Outcomes

  • Fostering artistic activities while improving the 4 language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in foreign languages.
  • Developing an integrated approach to language teaching and learning at school.
  • Reinforcing plurilingualism at school.


Other Duties

English Language Assistant is a staff member with the same rights and duties and will participate in everyday school life: curriculum, pedagogical matters, celebrations, workshops, visits, and so on.

  • They will primarily support art classes in small groups as well as the teaching team.


Additional Notes

  • The term "CLIL" is an acronym for "Content and Language Integrated Learning." It is an educational approach that integrates the teaching of content with the teaching of a foreign language.
  • The term "plurilingualism" refers to the ability to speak or understand multiple languages.


We offer:

- To help finding accommodation.

- To manage your Erasmus Grant.

- To pick you up at the airport.

- To support with paperwork.

Sunday, September 15, 2024 to Sunday, June 15, 2025
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
Spanish: Basic User A2
To have computer experience such as an advanced user with word processor, image software, communication and searching information tools and educational software.
Positive attitude towards learning to learn new knowledge and apply it at teaching-learning process
Deadline to Apply: 
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

Admissions Intern

We are seeking an Admissions Intern for a one-year position. The candidate will join a dynamic team and play a role in attracting talented students from around the globe, ensuring a well-rounded and diverse incoming class. The Admissions Intern reports to the Director of Admissions. 

Important note:

In order to satisfy Swiss Law requirements surrounding internships, we will only be able to accept candidates who will be able to start the internship in their first year after graduation OR candidates for whom an internship is required by a training institute with a maximum duration regulated by the training institute. This internship can be completed as part of a pre-requirement to access a specific school, or in order to obtain the academic diploma.


  • Act as a point of contact for prospective students and their families, providing comprehensive information about our academic offerings, boarding life, and admissions process.

  • Tour and meet with prospective families, assessing their academic potential, cultural fit, and alignment with our school values.

  • Work with the Admissions Assistant and the Admissions Operations Manager to manage inquiries and process applications efficiently, ensuring timely communication and clear expectations throughout. Also provide help with clerical data and administrative support.

  • Work collaboratively with the Director of Admissions and team to develop and implement recruitment strategies.

  • Learn about the educational trends and best practices in international admissions.

Other responsibilities

  • Could possibly include coaching or other school responsibilities.


  • Bachelor's degree in a relevant field (Education, International Relations, etc.) preferred

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build rapport with families from diverse backgrounds

  • Fluency in English (C1) and proficiency in another language is preferred

  • Strong organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously

  • Proficient in Google Workspace and admissions software

  • A passion for education and a commitment to student success


  • Opportunity to work in a beautiful and stimulating environment in Switzerland

  • Be part of a dynamic and supportive team

  • Make a positive impact on the lives of young people from around the world

  • Annual intern salary, medical insurance, housing, and food

To Apply


Please apply using the Faculty Employment Application


Saturday, June 1, 2024 to Saturday, May 31, 2025
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Proficient User C1
Deadline to Apply: 
Friday, May 31, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 

English Language Assistant

We are a State Infant and Primary school near Barcelona, looking for an English Language Assistant to help our students to improve their oral compentence in English, as well as introducing them into different cultures.  We expect a commitment of around 12 hours per week to work with students aged from 10 to 12 years old. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 to Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
Barberà del Vallès
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Digital Opportunities: