Reimbursement costs

Erasmus intern as Android developer

Desion is a spin-off of Fraunhofer IGD and Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany). We specialize in full-stack development, enterprise integration, and data management to solve machine vision problems. Our goal is to automate inspection processes to enhance their quality. We aim to increase the recycling rate of textiles by automating sorting processes, contributing to a more sustainable use of resources. More info:

We are looking for:

  •     Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science
  •     Proficient in Java, Kotlin, and Android SDK
  •     Strong understanding of Object-Oriented Programming
  •     Familiarity with Linux/Unix operating systems
  •     Experience with mobile application lifecycle and UI/UX principles
  •     Basic knowledge of computer vision frameworks (e.g., OpenCV) is a plus
  •     Familiarity with deep learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch) is advantageous
  •     Fluent in spoken and written English
  •     Proactive, able to work independently


We offer:

  •     3 to 6 months Erasmus internship.
  •     Task- and goals-oriented working time.
  •     Flexible working hours.
  •     Opportunity to work with a highly experienced team.
  •     The internship is partially financed through the Erasmus program. Additionally, the student will receive extra-economic compensation.
  •     Discount on public transportation 


Being eligible for Erasmus+ program is a mandatory requirement. Before applying for this offer, please, contact your university to ensure you are eligible for the Erasmus+ program. Please, let us know in a message or your Cover Letter the following information:

  •    All relevant dates of the call the Erasmus+ Program in your university. (e.g. when to apply for it, when the admision lists are published, etc)
  •    The earliest starting date you could start the internship.
  •    The duration of the internship. Minumum of 3 months.
  •    Number of months and amount that you will get economic support from your University/Erasmus+ program
  •    Any other important requirement you need such as VISA.
Sunday, October 1, 2023 to Thursday, February 29, 2024
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
English: Independent User B2
Deadline to Apply: 
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Digital Opportunities: 

Erasmus intern as Software engineer

Desion is a spin-off of Fraunhofer IGD and Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany). We specialize in full-stack development, enterprise integration, and data management to solve machine vision problems. Our goal is to automate inspection processes to enhance their quality. We aim to increase the recycling rate of textiles by automating sorting processes, contributing to a more sustainable use of resources. More info:

We are looking for:

  •     Student of Bachelor or Master in computer sciences
  •     Proficient in Python
  •     Strong understanding of Object-Oriented Programming
  •     Good knowledge of Linux/Unix operating systems
  •     Knowledge of computer vision frameworks  (e.g. opencv)
  •     Knowledge in deep learning frameworks (e.g. tensorflow, pytorch)
  •     Fluent English spoken and written.
  •     Proactive and able to work independently 


We offer:

  •     4-6 months Erasmus internship.
  •     Task- and goals-oriented working time.
  •     Flexible working hours.
  •     Opportunity to work with a highly experienced team.
  •     The internship is partially financed through the Erasmus program. Additionally, the student will receive extra-economic compensation.
  •     Discount on public transportation 


Being eligible for Erasmus+ program is a mandatory requirement. Before applying for this offer, please, contact your university to ensure you are eligible for the Erasmus+ program. Please, let us know in a message or your Cover Letter the following information:

  •    All relevant dates of the call the Erasmus+ Program in your university. (e.g. when to apply for it, when the admision lists are published, etc)
  •    The earliest starting date you could start the internship.
  •    The duration of the internship. Minumum of 4 months.
  •    Number of months and amount that you will get economic support from your University/Erasmus+ program
  •    Any other important requirement you need such as VISA.
Monday, October 2, 2023 to Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information: 
Please submit applications exclusively via platform. Email submissions will not be considered. Applications with missing required information will be discarded.
English: Independent User B2
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Digital Opportunities: 


Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of hospitality? Look no further! Our exclusive internship opportunity offers an unforgettable experience in the vibrant city that never sleeps – New York City! Immerse yourself in the bustling hospitality industry while enjoying incredible perks that make your stay seamless and rewarding. **Position**: Hospitality Intern **Location**: New York City, USA

Requirements:EU PASSPORT & DRIVER'S LICENSE. Language Skills: Fluent in both English C1 and Spanish C1. Your ability to communicate effectively with a diverse clientele will set you apart. Driver's License: A valid driver's license opens up opportunities for you to experience the city in your free time. Hospitality Experience: Prior experience or currently taking classes in the hospitality sector is a must. Your understanding of guest services and your passion for creating exceptional experiences will shine.

Benefits:Competitive Stipend: Earn a monthly stipend of 500 euros – because we believe your hard work deserves recognition.

Responsibilities: As a Hospitality Intern, you'll be an integral part of our team, contributing to the seamless operation of our establishment. Your responsibilities will include: - Remotely welcoming and assisting guests with check-in, check-out, and inquiries. - Managing property calendars, daily rates, refunds and cancellations. - Collaborating with various departments to ensure guest needs are met promptly. - Housekeeping of short term properties, checking housekeepers and laundry service performance. - Leaving reviews and responding to reviews - Upholding the highest standards of customer service and guest satisfaction.

Why Join Us: This is more than just an internship – it's an adventure and mentorship! Gain hands-on experience in a dynamic hospitality environment, expand your cultural horizons, and build connections that could last a lifetime. New York City's energy will inspire and drive you, while our supportive team will ensure you're on the path to success.

Internship Duration: 3-6 months Ready to elevate your hospitality career against the backdrop of New York City's iconic skyline? Apply now by submitting your resume, cover letter, and references to [email protected]. Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive in the heart of the Big Apple. *Please note: Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Sunday, June 23, 2024 to Monday, December 23, 2024
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C2
Spanish: Proficient User C2
United States
Deadline to Apply: 
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Digital Opportunities: 


We are looking for an intern that is eager to understand and support the financial controlling of an enterprise and is keen to commit him/herself to an internship of 6 months within the bio-processing industry.

Main tasks & assignments:

  • You support the implementation of financial controlling tools for product cost calculation, return on investment calculation, company performance, sales controlling, etc;
  • You perform analytics and create statistics within a BI-solution;
  • You support the transition towards a new ERP-system.

Your profile:

  • You are currently a business economics student;
  • You have very good computer skills (Excel, Word, Power-BI, …);
  • You have an affinity for numbers and a high interest in controlling of business processes;
  • A basic knowledge in SAP R/3 is appreciated;
  • You have very good analytical and communication skills;
  • You have the ability to work independently;
  • You take initiative as well as a pro-active approach;
  • You must be a citizen of the EU or have a work permit in Belgium.
Sunday, October 1, 2023 to Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Proficient User C2
Deadline to Apply: 
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Digital Opportunities: 

Wahlstation in den Niederlanden

Wahlstation in Holland

Meticulous legal practice, strategic vision, and global integration have become imperatives in today's legal landscape. At MAAK Advocaten, our philosophy revolves around not just providing traditional legal services, but proactively engaging in and embracing an international perspective.

Expanding Horizons: Internships in the Netherlands

Amsterdam, with its rich legal tradition and international ethos, is an ideal location for aspiring lawyers looking to hone their skills. MAAK Advocaten, located in the heart of this vibrant city, offers an exceptional internship program designed for legal students and trainees keen on immersing themselves in Dutch law and comparing it with their native legal systems.

Why Choose MAAK Advocaten for Your Internship?

MAAK Advocaten stands out in several unique ways:

Diverse Expertise: Our team comprises dedicated lawyers from various nationalities, including Dutch and German professionals, catering to both domestic and foreign enterprises. This mix allows for a dynamic exchange of ideas, cultural perspectives, and legal methodologies.

Industry Specialization: Our firm is renowned for our deep specialization in the manufacturing industry, colloquially termed 'Maakindustrie' in Dutch. With a clientele constantly at the forefront of innovation with new machinery, products, and services, we provide strategic advice to address the challenges that manufacturing enterprises face.

Comprehensive Service Offering: We provide a holistic approach, crafting contracts, acquainting clients with Dutch legalities, and representing them effectively in all Dutch courts as needed.

Modern Work Environment: Driven by a growth-oriented vision, MAAK Advocaten employs cutting-edge software tools and promotes a flexible working ethos. Our environment is open, informal, and collaborative, fostering an atmosphere where each individual's strengths shine.

Broadening Your Legal Skillset

Our internships are an excellent opportunity for students to apply their academic learnings:

Exposure to the German Desk in Holland: Given our strong focus on the German market, interns often find themselves assisting Dutch lawyers in the German Desk. This real-world exposure to cross-border cases within the European Union is invaluable.

Tackling Diverse Legal Challenges: Interns gain familiarity with trade law, corporate law, contract law, and liability law. Additionally, observing our lawyers represent clients in Dutch courts offers a practical understanding of Dutch procedural law.

Strengthening International Relationships:  By communicating with international clients, drafting documents in both German and Dutch, and collaborating closely with our team, interns comprehend the nuances of Dutch-German trade relations and the broader European legal marketplace.

What We Seek in Our Interns

At MAAK Advocaten, we believe in potential. If you demonstrate initiative, commitment, and a positive attitude, we want to hear from you. Furthermore, we value:

- Strong knowledge in trade, corporate law, contract law, and liability law.
- Proactive engagement in international cases.
- A practical, hands-on approach.
- Dedication to finding optimal solutions for our international clientele.

Elevate Your Career with MAAK Advocaten

Embarking on an internship at MAAK Advocaten is more than just a professional experience—it's a transformative journey. We pride ourselves on fostering a team-oriented workspace where both Dutch and German-speaking lawyers value and nurture your contributions, pushing you to achieve your best.

In the world of law, where boundaries are increasingly blurred, and the global perspective becomes ever more critical, MAAK Advocaten is your gateway to an enriching international legal experience.

Traineeship coordinator: Remko Roosjen

As one of the managing partners at MAAK Advocaten, Remko is one of the main contacts for our trainees. He has over 15 years of experience and is one of the main contacts of our legal interns. 

Read more on the internet over Remko via this links:


 Website: Attorney in the Netherlands

Tumblr: Attorney in Holland

Reddit: Lawyer in Holland

LinkedIn: Commercial attorney in Holland

Twitter: Dutch lawyer

Blogger: Litigation lawyer in the Netherlands Lawyer in the Netherlands

WIX: Dutch attorney

About Me: Anwalt Niederlande


LinkedIn: Anwalt für Vertragsrecht in den Niederlanden

Monday, January 1, 2024 to Monday, July 1, 2024
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Field of studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Independent User B2
Walhstation  Referendariat  Internship  
Deadline to Apply: 
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Digital Opportunities: 

Spanisch sprechende Projektassistent*in gesucht

Ab Oktober 2023 suchen wir Verstärkung für unser Team

Education GmbH ist ein Berliner Unternehmen im Bereich der beruflichen Bildung, welches Förderprojekte im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Programms anbietet und betreut. Wir kooperieren mit Berufsschulen, Handelskammern und privaten Unternehmen in Deutschland, Österreich, Dänemark, Spanien, Frankreich, Schweden, Lettland und auf Malta.
Zum Semesterstart suchen wir ein*e Praktikant*in als Verstärkung für unser Team.


  • Eine spannende Arbeitsstelle im Bereich internationale Bildung mit viel Kontakt zu Leuten aus anderen EU-Ländern
  • Sehr nette Teamkolleg*innen, die dich anleiten, unterstützen und fördern
  • Möglichkeiten, deine interkulturellen und organisatorischen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen
  • Eine Option zur Übernahme nach einem erfolgreichen Abschluss deines Studiums



  • Kommunikation mit Geschäftspartnern und Kunden aus dem In- und Ausland
  • Administrative und organisatorische Unterstützung im Projektmanagement
  • Unterstützung des internationalen Teams im Bereich Marketing und Social Media
  • tägliche Kommunikation mit Jugendlichen aus verschiedenen EU-Länder



… Deutsch als Muttersprache sprichst oder es mindestens auf Niveau B2 beherrschst
… fließend Englisch sprichst (C1)
… Spanischkenntnisse mitbringst (mind. B1)
… eine zuverlässige Person bist, die mehrere Aufgaben parallel verwalten kann
… ein Teamplayer bist


Schick uns einfach eine aussagekräftige Bewerbung mit deinem Lebenslauf und deinem Motivationsschreiben an [email protected]. Wir melden uns bei dir zurück.

Monday, October 2, 2023 to Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information: 
We can support in the accommodation research.
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Proficient User C1
other languages are a plus
Excel and Microsoft Office
Social Media (FB, IG, LinkedIn)
Deadline to Apply: 
Friday, September 8, 2023
Digital Opportunities: 

Privacy Officer

 We are looking for a Erasmus+ intern with legal background to join our team:

 As part of the Privacy for All team, intern has the unique opportunity to gain knowledge and practice in the executive and advisory tasks in the field of the GDPR.

Mainly, the Privacy Officer supports the Data Protection Officer in fulfilling his duties:

- Handling/coordinating data access requests, deletion requests;

- Handling/coordinating data leaks;

- Advising on data protection and cyber security issues from within the organization;

- Management of and support in the further development and updating of the register of data processing;

- Guiding and supporting Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) and other risks assessments relating to cyber security;

- Assess/advise with regard to processing agreements;

- Updating the privacy policy and cookie policy;

- Support the implementation and execution of the privacy policy in processes, procedures, and systems.

The Privacy Officer works closely with the Data Protection Officer, team leaders, and information management advisors.

The Privacy Officer reports to the Data Protection Officer.

Friday, September 1, 2023 to Friday, March 1, 2024
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information: 
We offer reimbursement for travel costs and other work-related costs. If not provided by your institution, we will provide and/or reimburse insurance for work-related injuries, as required by Belgian law. We do not offer salary and/or housing costs. Please check with your institution to see if you apply for Erasmus+ or Digital Opportunity Traineeships. A company laptop will be provided. During the course of your internship, you will have the opportunity to obtain an IAPP Certified Information Privacy Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E) certification, at our expense. We are flexible regarding the duration and exact period of the internship. Our staff meetings are in English. Knowledge of Dutch and/or French is an asset, but not required.
Field of studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
Custom email address
Notification email: 
English: Independent User B2
law  data protection  GDPR  
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, September 4, 2023
Digital Opportunities: 

Digital Marketing Internship

Since 2016 Coding Bootcamp Praha has empowered hundreds of people to change their careers through its high-quality and innovative teachings. Our efforts were appreciated by a number of prestigious awards, including one by MIT. Our successes were noticed also in Forbes, the Czech Television, and Hospodářské Noviny. Coding Bootcamp Praha teaches students web development skills. The program is international and taught fully in English. More about the program: Our company is also developing startup projects, for example, we are making it easier for people to learn how to invest (check BrikkApp: We are looking for a marketing intern to join the team. 

Key responsibilities:

  • Brainstorming and writing content for social media posts, newsletters, and other media
  • Co-organising events and event support
  • Communication support
  • Research content and research industry news
  • Write and edit articles for blog posts (of course, feel free to utilise all the AI-powered tools ;-) )
  • Double-check and proofread your own work
  • Working in a team and contributing to the team's goals


  • Good level of English (you need to be able to write good-quality content in English or at least make the best of all the tools that can help you with that!)
  • You have good attention to detail and always double (triple) check your work, also in terms of style and grammar
  • You are creative and enjoy brainstorming new ways of doing things
  • Interest to grow and expand in marketing
  • Proactivity and willingness to work and learn

What do we offer:

  • Opportunity to learn more about marketing
  • Opportunity to improve your teamwork skills
  • Working in an enthusiastic international team 
  • Financial compensation: next to the Erasmus grant (facilitated through your university), we offer a relocation grant to help you cover your flight ticket (or similar)
  • The internship starts based on a mutual agreement
  • Length of Internship: minimum of 3 months (but we prefer longer internships and you can apply for up to 12 months)



See you soon!

Sunday, October 15, 2023 to Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
Czech Republic
Deadline to Apply: 
Monday, October 9, 2023
Digital Opportunities: 

Business Development Associate - German Speaking

Partner Success Associate - High Demand Markets Competitiveness Team, German Speaking

Coaches and supports customers* to be more successful on the company's platform, increasing value through comprehensive commercial conversations and interactions.

What you will do:

  • Begins developing relationships with customer* or their account team, including key buyers/decision makers

  • Assists in creating opportunities (e.g., progress meetings, fact-finding/exploratory meetings) to build customer* account

  • Develops understanding of customer’s* business issues through appropriate organization channels

  • Recommends products, services, and insights that will meet customer* needs

  • Completes basic account plans that outline tactics to acquire and/or maintain business

  • Acquires a basic understanding of how the department operates and fits into the larger organization

  • Develops awareness of the policies, practices, trends, and information (including competitor information) that impact the organization and its customers

  • Develops a basic understanding of the financial impact of decisions/solutions on the organization and its customers

  • Guides accounts to valuable insights and presents insights that can benefit account and organization

  • Gathers data/information on potential ideas and solutions to address a business need

  • May document components of a business case for change at the direction of more senior colleagues

  • Develops a working knowledge of the company’s standard contract terms and conditions by reading product literature, contracts, and asking questions of peers

  • Learns when to partner with legal resources to modify or adjust standard contract terms

  • Learns the contract negotiation process and how to complete contractual arrangements

  • Exchanges simple information in straightforward situations to gain the support of others

  • Proactively seeks help from a manager when needed to address areas of difference and ensure agreements among all parties

  • Assists in conducting straightforward cost, benefit, and risk analyses of possible solutions and the implications not reaching an agreement

  • Identifies the key stakeholders in decision making for the account

  • Develops understanding of standard offerings and major areas of expertise

  • Builds a working knowledge of products, technologies, offerings, etc., within scope of responsibility

  • Develops a broad understanding of competitors’ standard products and services

  • Understands the value and application of products, technologies, and offerings to accounts and organization

  • Understands the importance of developing rapport and maintaining ongoing business relationships with colleagues and external customers

  • Learns about customer's* key leaders/decision makers from internal customer relationship management system

  • Develops basic understanding of customer's* industry and competitive market and/or uses company's tools to access market-specific information and insight

  • Attends meetings with customers* to understand needs and expectations

  • Learns the metrics to assess the performance of products, services, and solutions against customer* needs/expectations

  • Develops key value proposition statements, case studies, or uses proof points to demonstrate the value of the company’s products, services, and solutions

Who you are:

  • 0-2 years relevant experience

  • Bachelor’s Degree in a related field or equivalent professional experience

  • Functional/ Technical Skills:

  • Proficiency in English + local language of the market(s)

  • Proficient communicator

  • Growing knowledge of sales techniques

  • Some account management experience preferred

About Expedia Group

Expedia Group (NASDAQ: EXPE) powers travel for everyone, everywhere through our global platform. Driven by the core belief that travel is a force for good, we help people experience the world in new ways and build lasting connections. We provide industry-leading technology solutions to fuel partner growth and success, while facilitating memorable experiences for travelers. Expedia Group's family of brands includes: Brand Expedia®,®, Expedia® Partner Solutions, Vrbo®, trivago®, Orbitz®, Travelocity®, Hotwire®, Wotif®, ebookers®, CheapTickets®, Expedia Group™ Media Solutions, Expedia Local Expert®,™, and Expedia Cruises™.

© 2021 Expedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. CST: 2029030-50

Employment opportunities and job offers at Expedia Group will always come from Expedia Group’s Talent Acquisition and hiring teams. Never provide sensitive, personal information to someone unless you’re confident who the recipient is. Expedia Group does not extend job offers via email or any other messaging tools to individuals to whom we have not made prior contact. Our email domain is The official website to find and apply for job openings at Expedia Group is


Expedia is committed to creating an inclusive work environment with a diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or age.

Friday, September 1, 2023 to Monday, September 30, 2024
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information: 
If you need assistance during the recruiting process due to a disability, please reach out to our Recruiting Accommodations Team through the Accommodation Request form. This form is used only by individuals with disabilities who require assistance or adjustments in applying and interviewing for a job. This form is not for inquiring about a position or the status of an application.
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
Czech Republic
Prague  German  Hotel  Commercial  Sales  Business Development  Strategy  English  B2B  Travel  
Deadline to Apply: 
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Digital Opportunities: 

Business Development Associate - French Speaking

Partner Success Associate CHAMP French

Here at Expedia our mission is to power global travel for everyone, everywhere. We are looking for a Partner Success Associate to help us make this a reality! The Partner Success Associate's primary responsibility is to ensure that Expedia Group’s hotel and property product in their assigned market is competitive, attractive and relevant for our fast-growing global customer base.

In doing so, Partner Success Associate will also continuously work with Expedia Group’s hotel and property partners to help them improve the marketing and distribution potential from their participation in the Expedia marketplace.

This role is the foundation on which the Market Management team is based. The team ensure that the Expedia Group brands’ global customers always find the most suitable property for their dream trip wherever they want to go, and that our hotel partners can effectively, efficiently and throughout the year, reach Expedia Group’s full breadth of global traveler demand.


What you will do:


  • By providing and analyzing data specific to their market, Market Associates will work closely with hotel partners to

  • Optimize content, rate and availability competitiveness on the Expedia sites to increase customer conversion

  • Secure additional lodging rates and availability information over high demand and compression periods to satisfy customers’ pressing needs

  • Secure promotional offers to support the brands’ merchandising and marketing efforts

  • Educate hotel partners on the self-service features available on Expedia Partner Central

  • Support Expedia’s business development efforts through smooth onboarding of new hotel partners

  • Re-establish relationships with dormant hotel partners

  • Support demand generation

  • Support research to identify properties not currently listed on the Expedia marketplace



Who you are:

  • Bachelor’s degree in a related field; or equivalent related professional experience

  • 0-2 years of experience

  • Drive for results

  • High impact personality: intellectual agility, entrepreneurship, empathy in relationship, great teammate

  • Hungry, determined, motivated, willing to take action and results-focused

  • Organization and time management skills, rigor, attention to details

  • Proven follow-up/persistence when facing challenging situations

  • Ability to multi-task effectively and be able to change gears quickly without skipping a beat

  • Relationship builder; earns the confidence of others

  • Bridges and sustains solid partnerships based on mutual support through a collaborative style

  • Demonstrate ability to work based on a variety targets, goals and/or strategic objectives set by LPS leadership team

  • Appetite for innovative technology, fast-changing business environment, data driven decision making

  • Proficiency in English and French languages

  • Presents ideas and directives clearly and persuasively; actively listens when spoken/presented to

  • Ability to effectively communicate to various levels and through a variety of communication channels

  • Able to work independently as well as be a strong team worker, ensuring the whole team wins

About Expedia Group

Expedia Group (NASDAQ: EXPE) powers travel for everyone, everywhere through our global platform. Driven by the core belief that travel is a force for good, we help people experience the world in new ways and build lasting connections. We provide industry-leading technology solutions to fuel partner growth and success, while facilitating memorable experiences for travelers. Expedia Group's family of brands includes: Brand Expedia®,®, Expedia® Partner Solutions, Vrbo®, trivago®, Orbitz®, Travelocity®, Hotwire®, Wotif®, ebookers®, CheapTickets®, Expedia Group™ Media Solutions, Expedia Local Expert®,™, and Expedia Cruises™.

© 2021 Expedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. CST: 2029030-50

Employment opportunities and job offers at Expedia Group will always come from Expedia Group’s Talent Acquisition and hiring teams. Never provide sensitive, personal information to someone unless you’re confident who the recipient is. Expedia Group does not extend job offers via email or any other messaging tools to individuals to whom we have not made prior contact. Our email domain is The official website to find and apply for job openings at Expedia Group is


Expedia is committed to creating an inclusive work environment with a diverse workforce. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or age.

Friday, September 1, 2023 to Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Years of Experience required: 
Level of Studies: 
Additional Information: 
If you need assistance during the recruiting process due to a disability, please reach out to our Recruiting Accommodations Team through the Accommodation Request form. This form is used only by individuals with disabilities who require assistance or adjustments in applying and interviewing for a job. This form is not for inquiring about a position or the status of an application.
Notification Preferences: 
My email address
English: Proficient User C1
French: Proficient User C1
Czech Republic
Prague  French  Travel  Business Developer  Sales  Strategy  B2B  Tech  Europe  Communication  Tourism  
Deadline to Apply: 
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Digital Opportunities: